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Bram Hubbell

World History Teacher. Traveler. Partner to Angela. Part-time vegan chef.

Members Public

“All the Women of Cairo Would Have Taken Part”: Huda Sha’arawi and Egyptian Women’s Participation in the 1919 Revolution

Discussion of Huda Sha’arawi’s description of her participation in the Egyptian Revolution of 1919

“All the Women of Cairo Would Have Taken Part”: Huda Sha’arawi and Egyptian Women’s Participation in the 1919 Revolution
Members Public

“For the Right of Every People to Govern Themselves”: Challenging Empire in 1919

Discussion of how to teach 1919 as the start of decolonization.

“For the Right of Every People to Govern Themselves”: Challenging Empire in 1919
Members Public

“Colonialism in all its Manifestations is an Evil”: Teaching Decolonization, 1914 to Present

Discussion of how to teach decolonization in world history courses and centering the agency of colonized peoples

“Colonialism in all its Manifestations is an Evil”: Teaching Decolonization, 1914 to Present
Members Public

Visualizing the Continuity of Asian Trade Networks in Sixteenth-Century Japanese Nanban Screens

Discussion of Japanese nanban screens and teaching continuity in the sixteenth-century Indian Ocean.

Visualizing the Continuity of Asian Trade Networks in Sixteenth-Century Japanese Nanban Screens
Members Public

“Let These Sacred Words Unite Us”: The Haitian Revolution, Creative Expression, and Teaching Analytical Writing

Discussion of how to teach analytical writing to world history students using emotions and the Haitian Revolution.

“Let These Sacred Words Unite Us”: The Haitian Revolution, Creative Expression, and Teaching Analytical Writing
Members Public

“Nothing Remained of the Houses”: Indigenous American Resistance to Columbus’ First Settlement in the Americas

Discussion of how to teach Indigenous American resistance to Columbus' first colony in the Americas

“Nothing Remained of the Houses”: Indigenous American Resistance to Columbus’ First Settlement in the Americas
Members Public

“By Love and Friendship Rather than by Force”: Columbus’ First Description of Indigenous Americans and Student Participation

Discussion of how to encourage student participation in world history courses and teaching Columbus Day

“By Love and Friendship Rather than by Force”: Columbus’ First Description of Indigenous Americans and Student Participation
Members Public

Monthly Digest: October 2023

Monthly Digest for October 2023

Monthly Digest: October 2023
Members Public

“The Function of Militarism is to Kill”: Emma Goldman and Questioning the First World War

Discussion of Emma Goldman and resistance to war during the First World War

“The Function of Militarism is to Kill”: Emma Goldman and Questioning the First World War
Members Public

“They Know the Peacebreakers but not the Peacemakers”: Teaching Dissent, Pacifism, and Women’s Activism in the First World War

A discussion of women’s peaceful protest during the First World War and using secondary sources in the world history classroom.

“They Know the Peacebreakers but not the Peacemakers”: Teaching Dissent, Pacifism, and Women’s Activism in the First World War