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Bram Hubbell

World History Teacher. Traveler. Partner to Angela. Part-time vegan chef.

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“The Principle of Self-Determination”: Historical Imagination and Indian Home Rule in 1919

A discussion of teaching about Indian Home Rule and the events of 1918 and 1919.

“The Principle of Self-Determination”: Historical Imagination and Indian Home Rule in 1919
Members Public

“Seventeen small jugs of soap”: Inviting Historical Imagination into the Classroom

A discussion of how to use creative essays in world history courses.

“Seventeen small jugs of soap”: Inviting Historical Imagination into the Classroom
Members Public

What the Griot Said: Teaching Medieval West Africa

A collection of all recent posts about medieval West Africa and a list of resources for teaching.

What the Griot Said: Teaching Medieval West Africa
Members Public

“Each is the child of his mother”: Historical Imagination and Gender in Medieval West Africa

A discussion of the challenges of teaching gender in medieval West Africa and how we can use historical imagination to help students understand different perspectives.

“Each is the child of his mother”: Historical Imagination and Gender in Medieval West Africa
Members Public

“In Conformity to Mecca”: Islam and Medieval West Africa, c.1000 - c.1600

A discussion of how to teach arrival of Islam in medieval West Africa.

“In Conformity to Mecca”: Islam and Medieval West Africa, c.1000 - c.1600
Members Public

Monthly Digest: November 2022

Monthly digest for November 2022

Monthly Digest: November 2022
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Mapping Medieval West African States

A discussion of how to teach the different borders of the medieval West African empires (Ghana/Wagadu, Mali, Songhay)

Mapping Medieval West African States
Members Public

“Many Kings and Many Mansas”: Teaching the Politics of the Mali and Songhay Empires, c.1200 - 1591

A discussion of how to teach the political structures of the Mali and Songhay Empires.

“Many Kings and Many Mansas”: Teaching the Politics of the Mali and Songhay Empires, c.1200 - 1591
Members Public

“The World Knew Happiness”: West Africa and the Afroeurasian Economy, c.1200 - c.1600

A discussion of the economy of medieval West Africa and its role in the Afroeurasian economy

“The World Knew Happiness”: West Africa and the Afroeurasian Economy, c.1200 - c.1600
Members Public

“Men of the Spoken Word”: Teaching West Africa, c.1200 - c.1600

A discussion of the challenges of teaching medieval West Africa in world history courses and how to use voice of the griots as a way to explore multiple perspectives/

“Men of the Spoken Word”: Teaching West Africa, c.1200 - c.1600