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“I Saved My People”: State Building in Africa, 1200 - 1450

Discussion of teaching African state-building between 1200 and 1450

Bram Hubbell
Bram Hubbell
2 min read
“I Saved My People”: State Building in Africa, 1200 - 1450
Painting of Amda Seyon I from an 18th century Ethiopian church. Source: Alamy.
From page 44 of the AP World History Course and Exam Description
From page 44 of the AP World History Course and Exam Description

As with the Americas in this period, covering “continuity, innovation, and diversity” in African state-building between 1200 and 1450 can be challenging. Instead of trying to address all the examples, I focus on Ethiopia. We have lots of resources that can be used to illustrate state-building.

The Source

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