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“Ought to Be Abolished”: Teaching Black Influence on the Abolitionist Movement

Discussion of emphasizing Black influence on the abolitionist movement

Bram Hubbell
Bram Hubbell
2 min read
“Ought to Be Abolished”: Teaching Black Influence on the Abolitionist Movement
Cover page from Ottobah Cugoano‘s book
From page 99 of the AP World History Course and Exam Description
From page 99 of the AP World History Course and Exam Description

There are many ways we can approach teaching about the abolition of slavery. I’ve previously written about how we should emphasize the actions of enslaved Africans demanding and fighting for their freedom. We also want to teach how White reformers contributed to the abolition of slavery, but we don’t want to give students the impression that White reformers led the way. One way we can combine these two concerns is by focusing on Black abolitionists appealing to concerned White Europeans and Americans.

The Source

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