AP World Unit 1
“Sales, Auctions, and Exchanges Go on Constantly”: The Song Chinese Economy
A discussion of the Song Chinese economy.

“Merchants From All Quarters”: The Indian Ocean Exchange Network, c.1000 - c.1500
Discussion of how to teach the Indian Ocean exchange network between 1000 and 1500 C.E.

“Seventeen small jugs of soap”: Inviting Historical Imagination into the Classroom
A discussion of how to use creative essays in world history courses.

What the Griot Said: Teaching Medieval West Africa
A collection of all recent posts about medieval West Africa and a list of resources for teaching.

“Each is the child of his mother”: Historical Imagination and Gender in Medieval West Africa
A discussion of the challenges of teaching gender in medieval West Africa and how we can use historical imagination to help students understand different perspectives.

“In Conformity to Mecca”: Islam and Medieval West Africa, c.1000 - c.1600
A discussion of how to teach arrival of Islam in medieval West Africa.

Mapping Medieval West African States
A discussion of how to teach the different borders of the medieval West African empires (Ghana/Wagadu, Mali, Songhay)

“Many Kings and Many Mansas”: Teaching the Politics of the Mali and Songhay Empires, c.1200 - 1591
A discussion of how to teach the political structures of the Mali and Songhay Empires.

“The World Knew Happiness”: West Africa and the Afroeurasian Economy, c.1200 - c.1600
A discussion of the economy of medieval West Africa and its role in the Afroeurasian economy

“Men of the Spoken Word”: Teaching West Africa, c.1200 - c.1600
A discussion of the challenges of teaching medieval West Africa in world history courses and how to use voice of the griots as a way to explore multiple perspectives/