AP World Unit 4
“Freedom of Trade in Opium”: Teaching Opium Production and Trade in the Late Nineteenth Century
Discussion of late nineteenth-century opium economy in Anatolia, Persia, and Southeast Asia

“They All Must Have Opium”: The Diversity of the British Opium Trade
Discussion of Teaching Indian Opium Production

“Opium Was One of Those Things”: Rethinking How We Teach the Nineteenth-Century Opium Trade
Discussion of teaching the nineteenth-century opium trade

“Longing for their Homes”: The Middle Passage and the Development of Modern Migration, 1700 to 1830
Discussion of teaching the Middle Passage as the start of modern migration

The Trans-Pacific Trade and the Problem with World History
Discussion of how we teach trans-Pacific trade in world history

“One of the Most Important Ports of the South Sea”: Acapulco as the Unlikely Entrepôt
Discussion of how to teach the marginalized communities of Acapulco involved in the global silver trade

“The City Can Neither Go On Nor Maintain Itself without these Chinese”: Manila’s Chinese Community in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Discussion of teaching the influence of Manila’s Chinese Community in the 16th and 17th centuries

“Because There Were No Horses”: The Colombian Exchange and Transporting Horses Across the Pacific
Discussion of the Trans-Pacific aspect of the Columbian Exchange.

“Throw Off the Yoke of the Spanish Dominion”: Early Filipino Resistance to Spanish Rule, 1521 - c.1750
Discussion of teaching early Filipino resistance to Spanish rule

“We Set Sail in Search of New Spain”: The Forgotten Folks Who Made the Manila Galleons Possible
Discussion of teaching the contributions of Africans, Asians, and Indigenous people to the development of the Manila galleons trade route.