Central America
“One of the Most Important Ports of the South Sea”: Acapulco as the Unlikely Entrepôt
Discussion of how to teach the marginalized communities of Acapulco involved in the global silver trade

“We Set Sail in Search of New Spain”: The Forgotten Folks Who Made the Manila Galleons Possible
Discussion of teaching the contributions of Africans, Asians, and Indigenous people to the development of the Manila galleons trade route.

“The Longest and Most Dreadful Voyage in the World”: Trans-Pacific Slavery and the Early Modern Pacific, c. 1500 - c.1800
Discussion of teaching the early modern trans-Pacific slave trade

“Improve the Quality of Life of the Majority of Its People”: Integrating Indigenous Perspectives in the Teaching of Guatemala and the Cold War
Discussion of how to integrate Indigenous experiences into teaching the Cold War

“Zapata spoke Nahuatl”: Indigenous Mexicans Participating in the Mexican Revolution
A discussion of how to teach the participation of Indigenous peoples in the Mexican Revolution.