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Members Public

Steamships and the Hajj

Discussion of teaching the effects of steamships on Islam

Steamships and the Hajj
Members Public

“Steel is the Mother of Industry”: Teaching the Second Industrial Revolution in Japan

Discussion of the Second Industrial Revolution in Japan

“Steel is the Mother of Industry”: Teaching the Second Industrial Revolution in Japan
Members Public

“An Explosion Took Place”: Teaching the Consequences of Coal Mining

Discussion of using primary sources to teach the effects of nineteenth-century coal mining.

“An Explosion Took Place”: Teaching the Consequences of Coal Mining
Members Public

“The Lesson to be Drawn for Japan”: The Origins of Japanese Industrialization

Discussion of teaching the origins of Japanese industrialization

“The Lesson to be Drawn for Japan”: The Origins of Japanese Industrialization
Members Public

“The Parsis Built all these Ships without any Assistance from the English”: Indian Shipbuilding in the 1800s

Discussion of the expansion of shipbuilding in nineteenth-century Bombay

“The Parsis Built all these Ships without any Assistance from the English”: Indian Shipbuilding in the 1800s
Members Public

“Great Number of Hands Congregated Together”: Teaching the Origins of the Factory System

Discussion of using primary sources to teach the consequences of the factory system

“Great Number of Hands Congregated Together”: Teaching the Origins of the Factory System
Members Public

“Opium Was One of Those Things”: Rethinking How We Teach the Nineteenth-Century Opium Trade

Discussion of teaching the nineteenth-century opium trade

“Opium Was One of Those Things”: Rethinking How We Teach the Nineteenth-Century Opium Trade
Members Public

“They Forge Their Own Iron Work”: The Transatlantic Slave System, African Iron Working, the Industrial Revolution, and Reflecting on Our Work

Discussion of teaching the African influences on the Industrial Revolution

“They Forge Their Own Iron Work”: The Transatlantic Slave System, African Iron Working, the Industrial Revolution, and Reflecting on Our Work
Members Public

“When I Came to Jerusalem”: Teaching the Social Changes of Industrialization using Nineteenth Century Jerusalem

Teaching the social effects of industrialization

“When I Came to Jerusalem”: Teaching the Social Changes of Industrialization using Nineteenth Century Jerusalem
Members Public

“Excessive Labor and Confinement”: Historical Imagination and the Urban Working Class

A discussion of teaching the Industrial Revolution to help students better understand how workers experienced industrialization.

“Excessive Labor and Confinement”: Historical Imagination and the Urban Working Class