Monthly Post
Monthly post published on the fifteenth of the month that introduces the theme for the month.
“Every Continent is Affected”: The Forty Years’ War and Decolonizing How We Teach the World Wars
Discussion of teaching the world wars from a global perspective

“Opium Was One of Those Things”: Rethinking How We Teach the Nineteenth-Century Opium Trade
Discussion of teaching the nineteenth-century opium trade

“The Voyage Was Full of Dangers”: Teaching Modern Migration, 1700 to Present
Discussion of teaching modern global migration from 1700 to today

“We Do Not Have Our Lives Secured”: Teaching the Age of Revolutions, c.1750 - c.1850
Discussion of teaching the Age of Revolutions from a global perspective

“The Longest and Most Dreadful Voyage in the World”: Trans-Pacific Slavery and the Early Modern Pacific, c. 1500 - c.1800
Discussion of teaching the early modern trans-Pacific slave trade

“The Great Mass of Snow and Hail”: Teaching the Little Ice Age, c.1300 - c.1800
Discussion of teaching the Little Ice Age in world history

“Beginning from the North”: Teaching the Mongol Empire
Discussion of teaching the Mongol Empire

“They Forge Their Own Iron Work”: The Transatlantic Slave System, African Iron Working, the Industrial Revolution, and Reflecting on Our Work
Discussion of teaching the African influences on the Industrial Revolution

“Hebrew with an Arabic Accent”: Teaching Israeli and Palestinian Shared History with Short Stories
Discussion of using short stories to teach twentieth century Israeli and Palestinian history

“Identity is Always Complex”: Teaching the Shared Histories of Israelis and Palestinians
Discussion of how to move beyond teaching the Israeli and Palestinian conflict and instead teach the shared histories of Palestinians and Israelis from a world-historical perspective