Monthly Post
Monthly post published on the fifteenth of the month that introduces the theme for the month.
“A Generous Gift from Timur and Akbar”: Snapshots from the Mughal Empire
A discussion of how we can teach the Mughal Empire in world history courses with a focus on how the empire was multiethnic and diverse.

“We Thought it Best to Fight”: Teaching British-Ruled Africa in the Era of New Imperialism, c.1880 - c.1930
A discussion of how to teach New Imperialism in British-ruled Africa using sources by colonized Africans.

“White Devils All Over Asia”: Teaching New Imperialism, c.1850 - c.1940
A discussion of how to teach New Imperialism in world history courses and centering the voices of colonized people.

“Men of the Spoken Word”: Teaching West Africa, c.1200 - c.1600
A discussion of the challenges of teaching medieval West Africa in world history courses and how to use voice of the griots as a way to explore multiple perspectives/

“Addicted to the Coffeehouse”: Snapshots from the Ottoman Empire
A discussion of the challenges of teaching the Ottomans in world history courses and how to use an Ottoman coffeehouse to teach about the empire

“If there were no buyers there would be no sellers”: Teaching the Transatlantic Slave System, c.1450 - c.1850
A discussion of how world history teachers can teach the transatlantic slave system in a way that centers Black African voices.