new imperialism
“Freedom of Trade in Opium”: Teaching Opium Production and Trade in the Late Nineteenth Century
Discussion of late nineteenth-century opium economy in Anatolia, Persia, and Southeast Asia

“They All Must Have Opium”: The Diversity of the British Opium Trade
Discussion of Teaching Indian Opium Production

“Opium Was One of Those Things”: Rethinking How We Teach the Nineteenth-Century Opium Trade
Discussion of teaching the nineteenth-century opium trade

“Singing Two Different Lullabies at the Same Time”: Using Political Cartoons to Teach British Palestine, 1936-1948
Discussion of Palestinian and Jewish political cartoons from the 1930s and 1940s

“Palestine Is Our Ever-Memorable Historic Home”: The Development of Zionism and the First Zionists in Ottoman Palestine
Discussion of teaching the origins of Zionism

Discussing the Legacy of New Imperialism in the Classroom
Discussion of an end of unit activity on New Imperialism

“We the Natives of Togo”: Polite Resistance to Imperialism in German Togoland
An example of elite resistance in Togoland to German imperialism

“The Questions Were Asked by the Teachers”: Decolonizing Pedagogy in World History Classrooms
A discussion of the civilizing mission, colonial education, and how we decolonize our pedagogy.

“Complete and Immediate Independence for the Vietnamese People”: Vietnamese Anticolonialism in the 1920s and 1930s
An example of Vietnamese anticolonialism against French rule from 1926

“Its Immediate Effects Have Been Simply Disastrous”: Some Thoughts on Teaching New Imperialism
Some reflections about teaching imperialism and a collection of all recent posts about New Imperialism.