North America
“The Example of the United States”: Simon Bolivar’s Mixed Feelings
Discussion of Simón Bolivar’s views of the United States
“Looking For Hope, Betterment”: Global Migration, c.1920 - c.1960
Discussion of teaching global migration from 1920 to 1960
“Wages of Females Shall Be Equal”: Early Feminism in the Lowell Mills
Discussion of early feminism focused on economic equality
“A Complete History of the American War”: A Global Approach to Teaching the American Revolution
A discussion of teaching the American Revolution from a global perspective
“One of the Most Important Ports of the South Sea”: Acapulco as the Unlikely Entrepôt
Discussion of how to teach the marginalized communities of Acapulco involved in the global silver trade
“Six Months of Winter”: New France, the Little Ice Age, and European Colonization of the Americas
Discussion of teaching the effects of the Little Ice Age on French colonization of North America
“The Great Mass of Snow and Hail”: Teaching the Little Ice Age, c.1300 - c.1800
Discussion of teaching the Little Ice Age in world history
“Hopelessness at Home, A Secure Future Overseas”: Teaching Jewish Migration in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century
Discussion of teaching nineteenth and twentieth century Jewish migration in a world historical context.
“Zapata spoke Nahuatl”: Indigenous Mexicans Participating in the Mexican Revolution
A discussion of how to teach the participation of Indigenous peoples in the Mexican Revolution.