“When Any of You Intend to Divorce”: Teaching Continuity and Divorce in the Medieval Islamic Middle East, c.600 - c.1600
A discussion of teaching continutiy using examples of divorce in the Islamic Middle East

“A Rich South and a Poor North”: Southernization and Facilitating Student-Centered Discussions
Discussion of how to facilitate student-centered discussions using Southernization

“A Time for Telling”: Lectures and Narratives in a Decolonized History Course
Discussion of how we can use lectures in world history classes with a focus on the Atlantic Revolutions

The Best History Lesson…. Is the One You Design Yourself
How to design the perfect history lesson

“Let These Sacred Words Unite Us”: The Haitian Revolution, Creative Expression, and Teaching Analytical Writing
Discussion of how to teach analytical writing to world history students using emotions and the Haitian Revolution.

“By Love and Friendship Rather than by Force”: Columbus’ First Description of Indigenous Americans and Student Participation
Discussion of how to encourage student participation in world history courses and teaching Columbus Day

“They Know the Peacebreakers but not the Peacemakers”: Teaching Dissent, Pacifism, and Women’s Activism in the First World War
A discussion of women’s peaceful protest during the First World War and using secondary sources in the world history classroom.

“We Must Not Refuse Them”: Finding African Voices and Stories in the Transatlantic Slave System
Discussion of how to read against the grain to understand lost voices in the transatlantic slave system.

“The Questions Were Asked by the Teachers”: Decolonizing Pedagogy in World History Classrooms
A discussion of the civilizing mission, colonial education, and how we decolonize our pedagogy.

“Excessive Labor and Confinement”: Historical Imagination and the Urban Working Class
A discussion of teaching the Industrial Revolution to help students better understand how workers experienced industrialization.