“As a United Nation”: Teaching Black and Indigenous Participation in the Spanish American Revolutions
Discussion of Black and Indigenous involvement in the Spanish American Revolutions.

“We Do Not Have Our Lives Secured”: Teaching the Age of Revolutions, c.1750 - c.1850
Discussion of teaching the Age of Revolutions from a global perspective

“The Longest and Most Dreadful Voyage in the World”: Trans-Pacific Slavery and the Early Modern Pacific, c. 1500 - c.1800
Discussion of teaching the early modern trans-Pacific slave trade

The Last Supper in Cuzco: Indigenizing Christianity in the Andes
A discussion of syncretism in Spanish colonial Cuzco in the eighteenth century.

“Indian Parents Defend their Daughter”: Indigenous Resistance in Early Seventeenth Century Peru
A discussion of Indigenous resistance in Spanish Peru.

“Their Voices Must Be Heard”: Women, Intersectionality, and Competing Global Visions in the Late Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
A discussion of how to teach the world historical roots of present-day issues using sources by women from the Global South

"People Who Have Interrupted Empire": African and Indigenous Resistance in the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries
I’ve looked at more world history textbooks than I want to admit. One thing almost all of them have in common is some discussion of Portuguese maritime expansion along the western coast of Africa in the fifteenth century and the Spanish and Portuguese conquest of the Americas in the