Southeast Asia
“A Turning Point in My Life”: East Asia in the Forty Years’ War
Discussion of teaching East Asia in the World Wars

“Freedom of Trade in Opium”: Teaching Opium Production and Trade in the Late Nineteenth Century
Discussion of late nineteenth-century opium economy in Anatolia, Persia, and Southeast Asia

“They All Must Have Opium”: The Diversity of the British Opium Trade
Discussion of Teaching Indian Opium Production

“Opium Was One of Those Things”: Rethinking How We Teach the Nineteenth-Century Opium Trade
Discussion of teaching the nineteenth-century opium trade

“Looking For Hope, Betterment”: Global Migration, c.1920 - c.1960
Discussion of teaching global migration from 1920 to 1960

“I Left My Land to Come to Demerara”: Global Migration, c.1830 - c.1920
Discussion of teaching nineteenth-century global migration

“Longing for their Homes”: The Middle Passage and the Development of Modern Migration, 1700 to 1830
Discussion of teaching the Middle Passage as the start of modern migration

“The Voyage Was Full of Dangers”: Teaching Modern Migration, 1700 to Present
Discussion of teaching modern global migration from 1700 to today

“The City Can Neither Go On Nor Maintain Itself without these Chinese”: Manila’s Chinese Community in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Discussion of teaching the influence of Manila’s Chinese Community in the 16th and 17th centuries

“Throw Off the Yoke of the Spanish Dominion”: Early Filipino Resistance to Spanish Rule, 1521 - c.1750
Discussion of teaching early Filipino resistance to Spanish rule