Transatlantic slave system
“Ought to Be Abolished”: Teaching Black Influence on the Abolitionist Movement
Discussion of emphasizing Black influence on the abolitionist movement

“Longing for their Homes”: The Middle Passage and the Development of Modern Migration, 1700 to 1830
Discussion of teaching the Middle Passage as the start of modern migration

“We Ask for Liberty”: How the Haitian and French Revolutions Influenced Each Other
Discussion of teaching the Haitian and French Revolutions as interconnected events

“They Forge Their Own Iron Work”: The Transatlantic Slave System, African Iron Working, the Industrial Revolution, and Reflecting on Our Work
Discussion of teaching the African influences on the Industrial Revolution

“He Has Favored Us”: Amsterdam’s Jewish Community and the Transatlantic Slave System in the Seventeenth Century
Discussion of teaching Amsterdam’s Jewish community in the seventeenth century

“To Make Their Escape, and Mutiny”: Enslaved African Resistance During the Middle Passage
A discussion of using reading against the grain to help students understand mutinies on slave ships by enslaved Africans

“We Must Not Refuse Them”: Finding African Voices and Stories in the Transatlantic Slave System
Discussion of how to read against the grain to understand lost voices in the transatlantic slave system.

“Everything Can be Done Peacefully and Without Force”: Queen Njinga and the Portuguese
Discussion of how local African rulers responded to Portuguese empire-building and the expansion of the transatlantic slave trade.

“Workmen Constantly Employed”: Teaching Mass Production and Industrialization in the Long Nineteenth Century
A discussion of how to teach the nineteenth-century Industrial Revolution as a global process.

Destruction, Creation, and Preservation: Some Thoughts on Teaching the Haitian Revolution
Some reflections about teaching the Haitian Revolution and a collection of all posts about the revolution.