“Freedom of Trade in Opium”: Teaching Opium Production and Trade in the Late Nineteenth Century
Discussion of late nineteenth-century opium economy in Anatolia, Persia, and Southeast Asia

Monthly Digest: April 2024
Monthly Digest for April

“We Will Fight in Every Way We Can”: Teaching Decolonization from 1945 to 1955
Discussion of how to teach decolonization from 1945 to 1955 using African and Asian primary sources

“The Outbreak of the Present War”: Decolonization During and After the Second World War
Discussion of teaching decolonization’s connections to the Second World War and the Cold War

“Organizing the Rice Fields”: Teaching Southeast Asia’s Nineteenth-Century Production Revolution
Discussion of how to teach Southeast Asia’s economic changes in the nineteenth century

“Being Deeply Concerned with Agriculture”: The Spread of Champa Rice, and some surprises
Discussion of how to use different sources to teach the spread of Champa rice

“Tightly Bound in Spirt”: Vietnamese Anticolonialism in the 1930s
An example of Vietnamese anticolonialism against French rule from 1937.

“Complete and Immediate Independence for the Vietnamese People”: Vietnamese Anticolonialism in the 1920s and 1930s
An example of Vietnamese anticolonialism against French rule from 1926

“The European Makes Himself Ridiculous”: Teaching Southeast Asia in the Era of New Imperialism, c.1880 - c.1940
A discussion of teaching imperialism in Southeast Asia using case studies from Dutch East Indies, British Malaya, and French Indochina.

“The Invaders Will Know No Tranquility”: The Transition to New Imperialism, 1840-1880
A discussion of how to teach European imperialism between 1840 and 1880.